Tidy Towns

Love Where You Live

About Portlaoise Tidy Towns

Portlaoise has been involved in the Tidy Towns campaigns since the early Sixties when the population of the town was almost 5,000. We’ve continued this involvement through to the present day, as the town has grown to a size of over 22,000 people. 

The main focus of our volunteer efforts over the years has been on helping to keep the public spaces neat and litter-free. These efforts have now expanded to include rewilding, biodiversity and sustainability projects around Portlaoise.

In mid 2021, Portlaoise was voted the “Cleanest Town in Ireland” (IBAL Awards) which galvanised our volunteers to continue working to keep our town in pristine condition.


Our Aims

We want to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives, works and visit Portlaoise.

Our projects are guided by our commitments to biodiversity, inclusivness, and positive social change.

We want to foster and improve the community in the overall development and enhancement of the area. Improve the position of the area in the national and local competitions. Maintain the heritage and character of the area. Develop the area for future generations. Carry out carefully planned landscaping and maintain existing areas.

Volunteer your time

We would be delighted to have you join us!

Please get in touch via the Contact form or message us on our Facebook page here.

Get more information here:

Tidy Towns – www.tidytowns.ie

A Taisce’s National Spring Clean – www.nationalspringclearn.org. During this national programme, Laois County Council simultaneously hosts Clean Up Laois Week in April – one of the Council’s largest Anti Litter campaigns. The Council supports registered groups by providing resources and/or collections. Details are advertised on our website and in local newspapers closer to the time.

Thanks For Stopping By!